Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Day 9!

Today I was in the Montessori 2.So I helped them with their work this morning.I had to hold up coloured card and ask them what colour it was and they have been learning about the five senses so I had to do work with them about that.I had a picture of a nose,mouth,hand,eye and ear on the table then I held up pictures of people looking trough binoculars and smelling flowers and the children had to put they on the correct sense.I did this activity 5 times with 5 different children and there was 50 cards so it took a long time.After their work they showed me their Christmas play,so i had to stack the chairs while they got ready,and I had to press play and stop on the Cd player.After their play I had to draw 18 circles on yellow card and cut them out for their art.Then I had to go into the other classroom to get matchsticks.After that I helped stick the yellow suns onto blue paper.Then we stuck on the matchsticks,and I returned the bag of matchsticks to the other room.After art I helped zip up some coats because a few of the children were going home.After lunch I sat at the table were the children were drawing so i peared some pencils.The I did bingo with them while the teacher helped the afterschoolers get changed out of their uniform.Then I handed out the safety scissors because they are learning how to cut paper.After cleaning up after cutting I had to get 8 4 year old into coats,hats,gloves and scarfs which was the hardest job in the world.Then we went outside for the rest of the day.
I can't believe next week is our last work experience!But I'm looking forward to it because next Wednesday Santa is coming to the creche and I get to be his helper!!

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